

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) was established in 2002 under the Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA) 1999. Since then, the Authority has made major milestones in the management of the environment through formulation of necessary legal and institutional frameworks and strengthening its structures. The Authority has also streamlined its processes and is ISO 9001:2015 certified.

NEMA launched its fourth Strategic Plan 2019-2024 at Boma Hotel on 26th September 2019. 

During the launch, the Authority promised to make service better and implement the vision for a cleaner and healthy environment.The development of the strategic plan was a consultative approach that involved the Board of Management, Management, staff and stakeholders.

The Authority  identified six Key Result Areas that will be the focus of this Strategic Plan. The Key Result Areas are:

  1. Environmental Quality Protection and Conservation
  2. Ecological Integrity of Ecosystems
  3. Climate change
  4. Environmental Governance & Coordination
  5. Green economy for Sustainable Development
  6. Institutional Capacity

The Authority's operations will be guided by the new vision of ensuring “a clean, healthy and sustainable environment” and the mission “to coordinate, supervise and manage allmatters relating to the environment in Kenya”. 


NEMA DRAFT Strategic-Plan-2023-2027. Download


Strategic Plan 2019-2024. Download

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