Taita Taveta, Kilifi & Kwale Counties-Coast Development Authority (CDA)
CDA’s programme will address two components of the AF programme;
1. Component 2: Improving climate resilient water management systems to enhance food security in Taita Taveta, Kilifi and Kwale Counties.
2. Component 3: Increase resilience to climate change of Shoreline and Mangrove Ecosystem in Kenyan coastal zone.
Brief about CDA
The Coast Development Authority (CDA) is responsible for the coastal region, in partnership with other stakeholders thus intends to promote alternative sources of freshwater in a bid to reduce pressure on groundwater sources and also to create public awareness on the importance of protecting natural water systems. Rainwater harvesting is one of the strategies that will be incorporated as an alternative source of freshwater. The Programme activities will thus entail the installation of roof catchments and construction of water pans to harvest rain water for agricultural production and domestic use. These activities will be undertaken in Kwale, Taita Taveta, Mombasa, Kilifi, Tana River and Lamu Counties as well as Ijara in Garissa County.
12 schools have been identified for construction of roof catchments and storage facilities though the actual work has not yet began. Also, a site of putting up a water pan has been identified. Under the Increase resilience to climate change of Shoreline and Mangrove Ecosystem in Kenyan coastal zone sites of Mangrove rehabilitation have been identified, nurseries have been designed and put up, seedlings have been supplied, community training in Non- wood areas is underway and multiple use systems for high and sustainable yield community training has also been brought to thought.
Shoreline rehabilitation and protection is a key challenge. Erosion and accretion is also a factor to the implementation of this programme. The programme is behind schedule and therefore, CDA should introduce more operational capacity to the programme.