
With Effect from 1st June, 2022

Environmental Assessment ensures that appropriate safeguards, management and monitoring plans are put in place to protect Public Health, Environment and enhance Sustainable Development.

The fifth schedule of Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003 as reviewed vide Gazette Notice No. 13211 of 2013 provides for EIA processing and monitoring fee of 0.1% of the total project cost to a minimum of KSh.10,000, graded fees for registration and licensing of EIA experts among other EIA processing fees.

The Authority notifies the public of the Government’s decision to reinstate the following fees with effect from 1st June 2022:

  1. Application for registration as Environmental Impact Assessment/Audit Expert

Expert Category                      Citizen (KSh)            Non-citizen (KSh)

  1. Lead Expert                           3,000                           9,000
  2. Associate Expert                   2,000                           6,000
  3. Firm of Experts                      5,000                           15,000
  1. Annual License to practice as Environmental Impact Assessment expert

Expert Category                           Citizen (KSh)            Non-citizen (KSh)

  1. Lead Expert 5,000                15,000
  2. Associate Expert                   3 ,000                      9,000
  3. Firm of Experts                     20,000                     60,000
  • Inspection of records/register: KSh. 200 per record/register.
  1. Environmental Impact Assessment License: 0.1% of the total cost of the project to a minimum of KSh.10, 000 with no upper capping.
  2. Surrender, transfer or variation of environmental impact assessment license KSh. 5,000
  3. Processing and monitoring of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) reports: Kshs. 1,000,000.

NOTE: All applications and payments shall be made online through the E-Citizen-NEMA licensing portal. Each EIA application shall be accompanied by a certified Bill of Quantities (BQs) indicating the proposed project cost.


Gazette Notice No. 13211 of 2013



Scrapping of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Fees

Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) entails a critical examination of the effects of a project on the environment. It identifies both negative and positive impacts of a given project, how it affects people, their property and the environment.

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has been levying a processing fee to the tune of 0.1% of project value.

In order to facilitate ease of doing business, the Government has decided to scrap the levying by NEMA of the aforementioned fees. Please note that the EIA licensing by NEMA remains mandatory by law. This notice in no way affects the fees charged by EIA experts, a matter which is outside the mandate of the Authority.

Owing to the foregoing, NEMA has ceased the levying of EIA processing fees with immediate effect.

NEMA remains committed to ensuring a clean and healthy environment for all Kenyans.




Following a recent oil spillage incident in High Rise Estate in Eldoret, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) wishes to update the general public as follows:

  • The Authority swiftly dispatched a team based in Eldoret to the affected area to assess the extent of spillage and avert further harm to the human environment.
  • The Authority engaged the local security officers, including Officer Commanding Police Division (OCPD) and Divisional Criminal Investigations Officer (DCIO) to secure the site and sealed off the contaminated wells from members of the public.
  • NEMA then mobilized an inter-agency team comprising of the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA), Uasin Gishu County Government and security agencies to investigate the source of the fuel oil leakage. The team expanded the investigation to other wells in the neighborhood to determine their status and decontaminate the already contaminated wells.
  • A quick hydrological survey in the area revealed that the contamination was localized to the linear area of three wells that were next to each other. The investigations were bolstered by intelligence supplied by the local community.
  • The suspect was arrested and charged under the Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA), 1999 that prohibits anyone from transporting hazardous waste to undesignated site.
  • The investigating team is pursuing further leads to other collaborators in this incidence who may have abetted the commission of this crime or failed to take due diligence to prevent pollution of the environment. I would want to reiterate the Authority’s resolve to protect the environment for the benefit of current and our future generations.

NEMA appreciates the role the members of the public have continued to play in relaying information regarding environmental incidences.
NEMA will continue to firmly but fairly discharge its mandate of supervision and co-ordination of all environmental matters in the country for sustainable development.


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P.O.BOX 67839-00200, Nairobi. Kenya

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