
Kenya Environmental Information (KEIN)

 Kenya Environmental Information Network is a project initiated by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) together with the NEMA. KEIN initiative brings together Kenyan institutions that generate environmental data. The network will create a framework for cooperation and coordination amongst various stakeholders thus preventing duplication of information

Objectives of the KEIN are:

To build capacity for the development and management of core datasets. Support and initiate institutional networking and develop capacities related to the management of data and information at the national, sub-regional, and regional levels.

To facilitate open access to environmental data and information .To strengthen capacity at national level for managing and communicating information on environmental assets in such a manner as to provide opportunities for sustainable development.

To generate information products to enhance country negotiation status with respect to assets within the context of Multi-lateral environmental conventions.

Expected outputs of KEIN

Capacity building for harnessing professional skills and methodologies for analyzing data and generating policy oriented information and for integrating such information into sustainable development;

Development of infrastructure and support mechanisms for comprehensive and harmonized national sustainable development and data foundation;

Using information and communication technologies to manage data and information and to facilitate access to information;

Communicate information to decision makers at various levels of society and the public


The network will generate a wide variety of information product services that will support policy and decision making processes at various levels. This will increase networking among international and national institutions and agencies will improve access to and exchange of relevant information. Further it will improve the skills to carry out environmental assessment, early warning systems, state of environment reporting, reporting to international conventions, policy briefs, information catalogues and metadata -base at National level beneficiaries are decision makers, researchers, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community based Organizations (CBOs) that need authoritative information and data on environmental matters .

List of parner Institutions that generate environmental data and their datasets

  1. Ministry of energy
  2. Ministry of State for Planning National Development and Vision 2030
  3. Nature Kenya
  4. National Environment Management Authority
  5. National Museums of Kenya
  6. Kenya Agricultural Research Institute
  7. Kenya Forestry Research Institute
  8. Kenya meteorological department
  9. Kenya Industrial Property Institute
  10. Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and analysis(KIPPRA)
  11. Kenya National Cleaner Production
  12. Kenya Wildlife Service
  13. Department of Resource Survey and Remote Sensing (DRSRS)

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Popo Road,South C, off Mombasa Road

P.O.BOX 67839-00200, Nairobi. Kenya

Mobile: 0724 253398, 0735 013046.


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