The development of the National Guideline on Mine Site Decommissioning and Rehabilitation was the change project for National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) staff who participated in the International Training Programme (ITP) 308 for the cohort that ran from 2018 to 2020. The ITP 308 is funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and managed by Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) in collaboration with Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) and LuleƄ University of Technology (LTU). NEMA institutionalized this project through an ongoing programme dubbed the Environmental Governance Programme (EGP) funded by SEPA through United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The National Guideline has been developed to address unsustainable practices in the mine sites specifically for artisanal and small-scale mining operations in Kenya.
The Guideline outlines best practices in the industry to assist the mining operators, Ministries, Departments, Counties and Agencies (MDCAs), environmental experts, private sector, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and communities in ensuring that the mining sites are sustainably decommissioned and rehabilitated upon cessation of the mining operations. This will ensure protection of the environment as well as public health and safety through elimination of adverse environmental effects resulting from the mining activities.
NEMA has finalized the draft of the Guideline and is planning to undertake meaningful stakeholder participation within all the regions in the country before commencement of its implementation.
Draft National Guideline on Mine Site Decommissioning and Rehabilitation. Draft Mine Decommisioning and Rehabilitation Guidelines