World Wetlands Day (WWD) is celebrated every February 2nd , marking the date of adoption of the Convection on Wetlands on February 1971. The day is meant to raise awareness about the value of wetlands for humanity and the planet.
The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is spearheading the preparations for the celebrations.
Date : Saturday February 2nd 2019.
Theme: “Wetlands and Climate Change”.
Slogan: Healthy Wetlands, Healthy Communities
Venue: Ewaso Narok, Rumuruti, Laikipia County.
Among several events organized to celebrate the day, the National Steering Committee has organized for the "DIGITAL WETLANDS INNOVATION CONTEST"
ALL Kenyans are invited to participate in the Contest as indicated in the below poster.
The Build up events includes:
1. Camel Caravan
2. Tree Planting
3. Panel discussion
4. Clean-ups