Horn Aid - Kenya is a non-profit humanitarian and development organization which is registered as a Non-Governmental Organization under the NGO Coordination Act of Kenya in 2007.
Horn Aid was founded as a marginalized peoples’ organization, to respond to the multiplicity of socio-economic, cultural and rights needs identified in the North Eastern Province of Kenya (now the counties of Mandera, Wajir and Garissa) and the Arid and semi-arid counties of Kenya (Turkana, Marsabit, Isiolo, Tana River, Kitui, Taita Taveta, Kajiado and others.These were seen as broadly the case in the other arid and semi-arid regions of Kenya.
The Vision of Horn Aid – Kenya is “to improve the lives of people living in Northern Region of Kenya, through enhancing food security, social services delivery and reducing livelihood vulnerability and sustainable use of local resources.”
The Mission of Horn Aid – Kenya is “to substantially contribute towards facilitating reduction of social injustice and vulnerability among under-served pastoralist communities through holistic interventions.”
Wajir and Garissa Counties are classified as Arid and Semi-Arid Lands and generally receives erratic and unreliable rainfall. Horn Aid – Kenya Climate change Adaptation program is implemented in Wajir and Garissa counties:
Horn Aid Kenya intervention is targeting communities in Garissa and Wajir counties to enhances resilience and adaptive capacities of the people of Wajir and Garissa Counties. The overall objective of the programme is to enhance resilience and adaptive capacity to climate change for selected communities in various Counties in Kenya in order to increase food security and environmental management.
The programme components
The KCCAP programme has various components that will be implemented that include the following;
i. Enhancing Climate Change resilience for improved food security in selected Counties
ii. Improving climate resilient water management systems to enhance food security in selected Counties
iii. Increase resilience to the effects of sea level rise and shoreline changes through Integrated Shoreline and Mangrove Ecosystem Management (ISMEM) in Kenyan coastal zone
iv. Disaster risk reduction among vulnerable communities.
v.Strengthening capacity for program Implementation and Climate change adaptation
In the above components horn aid Kenya is implementing activities under component (i) and (ii) with expected outputs such as, Increased animal production through adoption of drought-tolerant fodder, and Established appropriate physical assets and infrastructure for water harvesting, storage and irrigation.
Specific objectives;
i) Enhancing Climate resilient agricultural, agro-forestry, pastoral and agro-pastoral production systems to improve food security in selected Counties in Kenya
ii) Improving climate resilient water management systems to enhance food security in selected Counties in Kenya
iii) Disaster risk reduction among targeted vulnerable communities for climate-related risks in Kenya
Horn Aid Kenya will implement activities under objective (i) and (ii) above as further expounded below.
Activities to be implemented by Horn Aid Kenya;
• Increasing animal production through drought-tolerant animal breeds, pasture conservation and emergency fodder banks. Mainly HAK will purchase and sow 20,000 kilograms of drought-tolerant grass seeds for fodder production,
• Enhancing land productivity through ecological land use systems, conservation strategies and management technologies. Mainly HAK will establish 10 Community based green zones.
• Establishing appropriate physical assets and infrastructure for water harvesting, storage and irrigation. Mainly HAK will design 5 water pans, undertake Environmental Impact Assessment of the water pans and construct 5 community-owned water catchments(pans) each measuring 20,000m3 as well as quality protection of the water catchments constructed (fence and latrine construction)