
The purpose of this National Contingency Plan (NCP) for Release of Hydrocarbons to the Onshore and Off-shore Areas of Kenya is to delineate responsibilities for preparing for and responding to any significant spill on land, sea and non-navigable waters in Kenya.  

This Onshore-NCP is applicable to all of the Kenya territory where a hydrocarbon release could occur, with the exception of marine and navigable waters as those areas are under the Marine and Navigable Waters NCP. Both Plans are part of the national framework for hydrocarbon escape prevention, preparedness and response capacity.  Other elements of the national spill emergency response framework include the coastal sensitivity atlas, a national guide for using the shoreline clean-up assessment technique (SCAT), and a national guide for oiled wildlife response and preparedness.  

This Onshore-NCP is designed to provide the members of the National Incident Management Team (National-IMT) with the information needed to respond to spills of national significance in a safe, rapid, effective, and efficient manner.   The Kenya National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) is the lead agency coordinating onshore spills, and thus for the activation of this Onshore-NCP. Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA) is the lead agency coordination offshore spills.


National Oiled Wildlife Response and Preparedness Guidance Manual_

National SCAT Guidance Manual_

Marine and Navigable Waters 



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