


Adaptation Fund Board

Adaptation Fund Board (AFB) as the operating entity to supervise and manage the Adaptation Fund, under the authority and guidance of the Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP)

Composition of the AFB

The Adaptation Fund Board is composed of 16 members and 16 alternates representing Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, taking into account fair and balanced representation among groups as follows:

  • Two representatives from each of the five United Nations regional groups
  • One representative of the small island developing States (SIDS)
  • One representative of the least developed country  (LDCs) Parties
  • Two other representatives from the Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (Annex I Parties)
  • Two other representatives from the Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention (non-Annex I Parties).

The functions of the Adaptation Fund Board include the following functions and any other functions assigned to it by the CMP:

  • Develop strategic priorities, policies and guidelines, and recommend their adoption to the CMP
  • Develop and decide on specific operational policies and guidelines, including programming guidance and administrative and financial management guidelines, in accordance with decision 5/CMP.2, and to report to the CMP
  • Develop criteria based on principles and modalities listed in decision 5/CMP.2 to ensure that the implementing and executing entities have the capacity to implement the administrative and financial management guidelines of the Adaptation Fund, and report on it to the CMP
  • Decide on projects, including the allocation of funds, in line with the Adaptation Fund principles, criteria, modalities, policies and programmes, in accordance with decision 5/CMP.2
  • Develop and agree on additional rules of procedure to those included in this decision and recommend these for adoption by the CMP
  • Monitor and review implementation of the operations of the Adaptation Fund, including its administrative arrangements and the expenditure incurred under the Adaptation Fund, and recommend decisions, as may be appropriate, for adoption by the CMP 
  • Regularly review performance reports on implementation and ensure independent evaluation and auditing of activities supported by the Adaptation Fund
  • Develop and approve draft legal and administrative arrangements for secretariat services and the trustee for approval by the CMP
  • Be responsible for the monetization of CERs issued by the Executive Board of the CDM and forwarded to the Adaptation Fund to assist developing country Parties that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change to meet the costs of adaptation, and to report annually to the CMP on the monetization of CERs
  • Report on its activities at each session of the CMP.


National Programme Steering Committee

The National Programme Steering Committee is the highest governing body for adaptation fund programme in the country .The national committee chaired by the Principal Secretary of Ministry of Environment and Forestry who is also the Designated Authority (DA) and acts as points of contact for the Adaptation Fund on behalf of the national government.

The Designated Authorities endorse:

  1. a) The accreditation applications of National or Regional Implementing Entitiesbefore they are sent to the fund’s secretariat for assessment
  2. b) and /or proposals by National Implementing Entities for adaptation projects and programmes in the DA’s country.

Composition of members

The members of National Programme Steering Committee comprises of ten (10) heads of the Executing Entities namely Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority (TARDA), Horn Aid Kenya, Coastal Development Authority(CDA), Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), Victoria Research and Development (ViRED) International, Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Kenya, Caritas Nyeri , Nasaru community Based Organisation and Kenya Red Cross Society and Kenyatta University

The roles of the committee are  

  • To oversee the overall programme implementation
  • To provide policy guidance to the programme 



Adaptation fund / Green Climate Fund steering committee

This is a high level committee formed at the NEMA and is chaired by the Director General. The members composition include the Directors of the Authority namely Finance , Compliance  And Enforcement , Environmental Education Information and Public participation ,Environmental Research and planning , Legal Services and   Chief officers in procurement , Audit  and corporate communication. The NIE  programme coordinator serves as the secretary to the committee.

The committee plays an oversight role in both green climate fund and adaptation fund

The roles include

  • Approve NIE/GCF work plans and budgets
  • Approve the funding proposals and ensure the project scope is aligned with the agreed requirements of the financier and key stakeholders group
  • Take on responsibility for the project feasibility , business plan and achievement outcomes
  • Provide guidance on project implementation issues
  • Guide on strategies to address potential threats to the project success
  • Receive reports on project progress
  • Guide on intergovernmental relations

NIE Technical committee

The NIE technical committee is formed at NEMA. It is composed of technical staff with expertise in areas required in Adaptation fund programme implementation. The members originate from all departments and sub-departments in NEMA. The committee deals with issues identified from time to time

The roles

  • To develop relevant program documents and guidelines
  • Providing inputs in the development of the projects including evaluation strategy
  • Providing inputs to the budget
  • Defining and helping to achieve the projects outcomes
  • Keep the project scope under control as emergent issues force changes to be considered
  • Identifying potential risks
  • Undertake project monitoring and evaluation
  • Monitoring the quality of projects as it develops
  • Providing advice about changes to the project as it develops


Field Implementation Committee

Field Implementation Committees are established at county level in all fourteen (14) beneficiary counties of Adaptation fund. They provide interphase between the National Implementing Entities (NIE) and the Executing Entities (EE).

Composition of the Field implementation committee

The Field implementation committee is chaired by the NEMA County Director of Environment CDE. The committee includes the following representation:

  1. The County Commissioner’s office
  2. County Government
  3. Members from relevant line Ministry
  4. Community leaders
  5. At least one representative from each of the following groups:-
  6. Civil Society Organisations(CSOs)
  7. Women Groups
  8. Vulnerable/marginalized group representatives (e.g., Persons with Disabilities (PWDs); Widows, the elderly, HIV, Youth)


The Field Implementation Committee’s has two (2) main roles;

Advisory: The advisory tasks may include such tasks as:

  1. Providing input to the development of work plans;
  2. Providing advice on the budget;
  3. Defining and helping to achieve the project outcomes;
  4. Identifying the priorities in the project – where the most energy should be directed;
  5. Identifying potential risks;
  6. Providing advice (and sometimes making decisions) about changes to the project as it develops.

Oversight: ensure delivery of the project outputs and the achievement of project outcomes

 The main oversight task is Monitoring and Evaluation;

  1. Project progress
  2. Project risks
  3. Timelines
  4. The quality of the project outcomes;
  5. Processes

Executing Entities

This is the lowest level of governance structure of adaptation Fund program. The Executing entities implement the programme within the five (5) components as proposed in their work plans. Their role is to provide quarterly and annual reports, implement the projects,

  1. Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority (TARDA)
  2. Horn Aid Kenya,
  3. Coastal Development Authority (CDA
  4. Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI),
  5. Victoria Research and Development (ViRED) International,
  6. Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) kenya,
  7. Caritas Nyeri
  8. Nasaru community Based organization
  9. Kenya Red Cross Society
  10. Kenyatta University

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P.O.BOX 67839-00200, Nairobi. Kenya

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