
Danish                                                                                                                              nima

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency (SAGA) in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry established under the Environment Management and Coordination Act (EMCA, CAP 387) as the the Government’s principal instrument in implementation of all environmental policies in Kenya.  NEMA seeks to ensure a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment in Kenya through supervision and coordination of all matters relating to the environment.  To achieve its mandate, the Authority works closely together with government lead agencies and development partners like DANIDA.The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency (SAGA) in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry established under the Environment Management and Coordination Act (EMCA, CAP 387) as the the Government’s principal instrument in implementation of all environmental policies in Kenya.  NEMA seeks to ensure a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment in Kenya through supervision and coordination of all matters relating to the environment.  To achieve its mandate, the Authority works closely together with government lead agencies and development partners like DANIDA.

The Green Growth and Employment Programme (GGEP 2016 -2020) is a Denmark - Kenya Governments’ partnership whose objective is “to contribute to an inclusive green growth and employment in Kenya.”  The GGEP component in NEMA succeeds two previous DANIDA funded programmes; the Natural Resource Management Programme, NRMP: 2010-June 2016 and the Environment Programme Support, EPS: 2006-2010. The DKK 500 million DANIDA grant incorporates nine implementing partners from both government and the private sector. 

The NEMA GGEP Component outcome is “a green development pathway for Kenya by 2020.” 
The GGEP component shall be implemented as an integral part of NEMA’s Strategic Plan. To realize the goal of a greener development pathway for Kenya, NEMA underscores the fact that economic growth alone without environmental considerations is not sustainable and hence the endeavor to shift Kenya’s brown development pathway to a greener one by “Improving implementation of policy frameworks for environmental management.”

NEMA – GGEP Component key outputs

With the DKK 40 Million DANIDA grant and the Exchequer’s counterpart funding, NEMA shall deliver on 4 key outputs:

Output 1: Enhanced capacity of counties to undertake Devolved Environmental Functions (DEF).  

Output 2: Reduced environmental crime. 

Output 3: Environmental functions mainstreamed in MDAs. 

Output 4: Enhanced private sector adoption of green technologies and practices.


To contribute to an inclusive green growth and employment in Kenya, the GGEP has 9 components each with an implementing partner institution as illustrated below:


NEMA Implementation of Component 5: “Greening Kenya’s development pathway (GKDP)”

NEMA is the lead implementing institution of Component 5 of the GGEP 2016-2020 entitled, “Greening Kenya’s development pathway (GKDP)”, whose outcome is measured by the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) increased from 37.0 to 50.0. The component shall be implemented as part of NEMA’s Strategic Plan. To realize ‘a greener development pathway’ for Kenya, NEMA takes cognizance of the fact that economic growth alone without environmental considerations is not sustainable and hence we endeavor to shift Kenya’s brown development pathway to a greener one by “Improving implementation of policy frameworks for environmental management” as per the theory of Change Schematic Diagram here below: 




NEMA, Denmark Partnership


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Popo Road,South C, off Mombasa Road

P.O.BOX 67839-00200, Nairobi. Kenya

Mobile: 0724 253398, 0735 013046.


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