

National Implementing Entity(NIE)  is National legal entities/organisations  nominated by a Party / Government and accredited by the Adaptation Fund Board to vet eligible projects for funding from the adaptation fund. For an institution to become NIE it must demonstrate adequate competence in technical capabilities, maintenance of accounts, provisions for external and internal audit, procurement, project management and creating and maintaining an ethical and corruptionā€free environment. The NIEs- bear full responsibility for the overall management of the project and programmes in terms of financial, monitoring and reporting responsibilities


The Adaptation Fund is a self-standing fund established under the Kyoto Protocol of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Fund is designed to finance concrete climate change adaptation projects and programs based on the needs, views and priorities of developing countries. A concrete adaptation project -a set of activities aimed at producing visible and tangible results on the ground by reducing vulnerability to CC and increasing the adaptive capacity of human and natural systems.


National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is the National Implementing Entity (NIE) for Adaptation Fund in Kenya. NEMA was nominated by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources to be the NIE under the Adaptation Fund (AF). In March 2012, NEMA obtained its accreditation by the Adaptation Fund Board of UNFCCC. This accreditation gave NEMA the mandate to offer vetting, approval and supervision of projects financed by the Adaptation Fund. The NIE bears full responsibility for the overall management of programmes and project in terms of financial, monitoring and reporting to the Adaptation Fund.

The approval of this Programme was a huge success to NEMA and indeed to the entire country as the funds will go towards building resilience among vulnerable communities who are susceptible to the adverse impacts of climate change. As the NIE for Kenya, NEMA will disburse the monies from the fund to its three main Executing Entities (that is, Coast Development Authority, Kenya Forestry Research Institute and Tana and Athi River Development) who are the programme implementers.

Related Links

Kenya Adaptation fund porgramme

           Programe Components

           Governance Structure

            Programme Areas (Counties)

            Executing Entities

            Programe Sites (MAP)


Green Climate Fund


National Implementing Entity Brochure.  DOWNLOAD



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